
Mantra For Avoiding Divorce

Marriages have their own ups and downs, and calling it quits and divorce may appear to be the only option in the rough times. Although only the couple goes through divorce, children and other family members also experience the rippling effects of this situation on their lives. If you want to avoid a divorce and bring your spouse closer to you, mantras and affirmations will help you to reshape your mind and will bring a shift at the behavioural level toward more positive.

Here are some mantra suggestions you can repeat to yourself or with your partner:

“I pledge my life before God to marry her.”
By repeating this mantra you are reminding yourself that on your wedding day you have done not only the act of following to your spouse but to the marriage work as well. While it is not an easy lesson, but sticking with things when they are hard is what counts the most.

“We’re in this together.”
There are moments when you are getting through a hard time, and you become the enemy or a person who does blame partner. This will help to deescalate the conflict and ensure that you and your spouse are taking the same side and you work hand in hand.

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“Regardless of all circumstances that life throws at me, I will choose love.”
When your husband or wife does something that triggers overwhelming feeling of anger and pain, it is very difficult to react in a positive way, leading to a rapid escalation of a fight. This saying creates a pause for you to take a breath and make the decision to use patience and care while resolving the dispute instead of taking action out of anger.

“I understand that there are good things in my partner.”
When tension is felt, the tendency is just to focus on the bad things that are characteristic with your spouse. This is the reason why this mantra is asking you to look deeper and tell you to see that goodness, silliness, kindness and intelligence in yourself which made you fall in love. Positive perspective softens the suffer and helps to find a way out of the situation.

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“I forgive my partner.”
It is not a secret for anyone that harboring anger and resentment over something or someone can slowly make the marriage disappear. This encouragement reminds you to choose the path of forgiveness instead of keeping on this regret or anger about your partner’s past sins. The act of compassion frees you both to make a new beginning.

“I, too, accept the things I cannot change.”
Why is it that every husband is imperfect? It is only that if you try to change some qualities of your spouse that are a matter of his nature that will lead to your constant dissatisfaction. Invoking this serenity prayer over and over again suits you to get content with the things that would not be changed in the long haul.

“I am the master of my mind and of the matters that concern me.”
You cannot control the spouse’s mind, emotions or decisions, but they can be directed by theirs. This mindset will not only enable you to be more proactive but also help you to accept that personal change and other growth is inside you.

Read Also : Mantra To Stop Divorce Or Separation

“We respect each other.”
Understanding, appreciation and respect for each other lay the groundwork for a solid union. Once the respect starts dissolving, reminding yourself of this value revives the ability to communicate and act respectfully towards your partner.

To us, “marriage is our priority.”
This mantra always has the task of reminding you that, amid the going-ons of jobs, kids and life, your marriage is something that is still number one. Spending time to communicate regularly is key to the maintenance of the relationship in front of the altar.

“We can overcome this issue because our love is larger than it.”

Likewise, individuals who hold different beliefs can still respect and appreciate each other.
Whenever you are in a relationship and you encounter problems and difficulties, you can always remind yourself that you love each other more deeply and this will add some perspective to whatever problem you are dealing with. Even though in a long distance relationship, fundamentally you still love each other.

Read Also : Mantra To Stop Fight Between Husband And Wife

Either pick one or two mantras that tell you what to do in case you feel those negative thoughts about your partner or marriage appearing or echo the same mantras every time that happens. The inspiring words provide aligning ideas which help you reaffirm yourself and thus elevate your mood and behaviors. Contrary to that, they will not enhance your connection to the next level, but rather help you fortify it, not destroying it even more.

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